
Can Ruin A Life

But with dedicated legal help

You Can Recover

Great team and responsive through the whole case.If your hurt on the job call Lee.

-Clarence D.

Tyler is a great lawyer, and is amazing with clients! I highly recommend him to anyone in need of an attorney!.

-Erica W.

Mr. Lee was very helpful, informative, and understanding while helping me with my case.

-Robert C.

What to Do If You Are Involved in a Boating Accident?

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If you have been in a boating accident, your first task is to get medical attention for everyone involved. Even if you don’t think you or others are injured, there could be masked injuries you would not notice without being examined by a medical professional. In some states, such as South Carolina, you must also report the accident if it has resulted in a fatality, injury requiring more than simple first aid, a missing person, property damage of over $2,000, or a destroyed vessel.

After seeking medical attention and reporting the accident, you should contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney like at our law firm right away. They may advise you to collect evidence from the crash, such as pictures and witness accounts. The attorney will help you with this if you cannot do so. Legal representation is critical to proving what happened and holding responsible parties liable.

Do I Need to Get First Aid After a Boating Incident?

Everyone involved should always get medical attention right away, whether your accident was severe or mild. Injuries on the water can be hazardous, and you must be sure all passengers are accounted for and safely out of the water. Some injuries, such as concussions or internal injuries, can be masked by the adrenaline rush of the crash. An experienced medical professional can identify danger signs if someone needs further treatment. Delaying getting checked out by a doctor could result in permanent damage that could have been prevented if the injury had been treated right away, so seeking first aid is a priority after any boating accident.

How Do I File a Report When I’ve Experienced a Boating Accident?

Many states, such as South Carolina, require the accident to be reported to the authorities if it is severe. You may contact the U.S. Coast Guard or local law enforcement authorities to notify them about the incident. Having law enforcement there early is critical to identifying the at-fault party, which helps with legal proceedings later.

If your boating accident included the following, you must alert the authorities:

  • A missing person
  • A fatality
  • Injuries requiring more than first aid
  • $2,000 in damage or more
  • A destroyed vessel

Should I Hire a Lawyer to Help With My Boating Accident Case?

Once everyone on board all the vessels is safe and accounted for and law enforcement has been notified, you should begin thinking of pursuing justice against those whose negligence caused the crash. Boat operators may seem cooperative at the scene but can quickly turn into fierce opponents in court.

Hiring a personal injury attorney is critical to ensuring your rights are protected. Your attorney can also investigate every detail of the accident to prove who was at fault. When someone else has caused severe damage because of their recklessness, they should help carry the burden of the expense and distress they have caused. Reach out to our law firm for an experienced personal injury lawyer who will stand by your side throughout your boating accident proceedings. Call us today at (803) 500-0000.

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