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Great team and responsive through the whole case.If your hurt on the job call Lee.

-Clarence D.

Tyler is a great lawyer, and is amazing with clients! I highly recommend him to anyone in need of an attorney!.

-Erica W.

Mr. Lee was very helpful, informative, and understanding while helping me with my case.

-Robert C.

Is South Carolina a No-Fault State or an At-Fault State?

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Like many other states, South Carolina uses an at-fault system when it comes to car accidents. This refers to what your car insurance covers after you’ve been in a wreck. In an at-fault system, the insurance policy covers injuries done to you and other drivers when you are at fault. This is also known as a tort system.

If you’ve been in a wreck caused by someone else, you can seek damages from that person by filing a claim against them. To get the full compensation you deserve, you should hire a personal injury attorney who understands South Carolina law, like the car accident lawyer at our law firm. We will stand by you throughout your legal proceedings and fight for justice on your behalf.

What Happens After a Wreck in an At-Fault State?

In an at-fault state like South Carolina, the insurance policy of the person at fault should cover damages to both vehicles. However, the property damage might be a small portion of the expense incurred because of the wreck. You could face substantial medical bills, costs for physical therapy, lost wages because you had to miss work, and even reduced income ability if you are now disabled because of the accident. These costs can be recovered through a third-party claim that your attorney can handle.

What Happens in a No-Fault State?

No-fault states operate differently in that each person carries insurance only for damages done to themselves and their vehicle. If you are in a crash in a no-fault state, you will seek damages from your insurance company rather than suing the other party. In fact, suing at all is highly prohibited in these locations except for certain conditions such as expensive cases or serious injuries.

There are some ways that insurance policies in South Carolina mimic a no-fault system. For example, the state requires individuals to carry uninsured motorist coverage that kicks in if you are in an accident where the at-fault party does not pay for your damages.

Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You Get Compensation After a Car Accident?

If you have been in a car accident, please first seek medical attention to be sure your injuries are treated appropriately. After you are safe and have been examined by a medical professional, you may want to turn your attention to seeking justice. Because of South Carolina’s at-fault system, you may need to pursue legal action to recover damages for bodily harm done in the wreck. You could also seek compensation for emotional distress, pain, and suffering.

To get the total amount of compensation you deserve, you need a talented car accident lawyer like the one at our law firm. We will be a strong ally in your corner as you hold the negligent driver responsible and recover the damages you are owed following your car accident. Call us today at (803) 500-0000 for a free case evaluation to see how we can help you.

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